Ningxia Dunyuanjuxin Semiconductor Technology Corporation
Ningxia Dunyuanjuxin Semiconductor Technology Corporation

Riding the Wind and Waves, Walking with the Same Core

Dunyuanjuxin’s 2023 year-end dinner and excellence commendation conference concluded successfully

At the beginning of the new year, bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. Dunyuanjuxin’s 2023 year-end dinner and excellence commendation conference concluded successfully recently. The year 2023, in which we stick to our feelings, never give up, continue to develop, and remain unchanged for a century, has come to an end. In the past year, we have won personal honors through hard work and achieved company growth through fruitful results.

The theme of this year-end dinner is "Riding the wind and waves, walking together with the same core", which demonstrates the company's spirit of unity, cooperation and pursuit of excellence. It aims to review the glorious achievements of the past year and commend those outstanding employees who have moved forward courageously and persevered in their career development.

The dinner kicked off with an impassioned speech by Li Changsu, general manager of Dunyuanjuxin. He emphasized: "2023 is over, and looking forward to the new 2024, we will continue to uphold the concept of 'riding the wind and waves, walking with the same core', constantly innovating and bravely Climb to the top and work hard to promote the sustainable development of Dunyuanjuxin Company."

Immediately afterwards, the leaders issued certificates of honor to those employees who had demonstrated outstanding performance in their respective positions and continued to pursue excellence. With their diligent work and innovative spirit, these employees have contributed greatly to the development of the company and have become the mainstay of the company's development.

Looking back at 2023, the years are rushing by and I forget the passage of time. This year's year-end dinner, the company's employees enjoyed wonderful singing and dancing performances while enjoying delicious food, and it ended with an exciting lucky draw.

At the end of the dinner, everyone took a toast and took a group photo, which brought the event to a successful conclusion. 2024, a year of forging ahead, being ambitious, struggling, and having a successful career is already coming to us. In the future, I believe we can continue to actively explore, work hard, unite, and forge ahead hand in hand with firm confidence and a hundredfold efforts. With fuller enthusiasm and more pragmatic style, we will meet new challenges and create new achievements!

Dunyuanjuxin’s 2023 Year-End Dinner