Ningxia Dunyuanjuxin Semiconductor Technology Corporation
Ningxia Dunyuanjuxin Semiconductor Technology Corporation

Layout Key Materials for Integrated Circuits! Semiconductor Quartz Crucible Completed and Expanded Production in Yinchuan, Ningxia

From the spring flowers blooming to the snow-covered sky, it took a whole year for a building to rise from scratch in a vacant lot.

On the afternoon of December 10, Ningxia Dunyuanjuxin Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Dunyuanjuxin") R&D building and quartz crucible expansion project were completed and put into operation. It is reported that the project has a total investment of 540 million yuan and a construction scale of 33,000 square meters. It mainly produces semiconductor quartz crucibles, ultra-high purity quartz sand and silicon component products. After the project is put into operation, it will have an annual output of 100,000 quartz crucibles, 3,600 tons of quartz sand, There are 40,000 silicon components, and the annual output value can reach 1 billion yuan.

As a professional manufacturer of semiconductor equipment core components and silicon semiconductor material integrating the R&D, production and sales of semiconductor quartz crucibles, ultra-high purity quartz sand and silicon component products, DSTC has strong semiconductor industry experience and advanced A high-tech enterprise with advanced production management concepts.

In his speech, He Xianhan, chairman of Dunyuanjuxin, not only introduced the investment and construction process of the company since it took root in Yinchuan for 13 years, but also frequently praised Yinchuan's high-quality and efficient business environment and the "nanny-style" service of leading cadres. He said that since settling in the Economic Development Zone in 2010, with the strong support and full help of the municipal party committee, the municipal government and the leaders of the Economic and Technological Development Zone, we have successively invested in the construction of "quartz crucible production and expansion of large-diameter semiconductor grade silicon components" and many other key projects. The R&D building and quartz crucible expansion project completed and put into operation today will further expand the company's global market share of quartz crucibles and silicon components, laying a solid foundation for the economic development zone to extend the industrial chain and improve industrial supporting facilities, and also accelerate the creation of "Yinchuan" "China's New Silicon Capital" and its efforts to achieve high-quality development have contributed to the "shield power".

Semiconductor Quartz Crucible

Dunyuanjuxin's high-purity quartz crucible products have the characteristics of low bubble rate in the transparent layer, crystallization of the inner surface, and high purification of the inner surface. They are widely used in high-precision fields such as semiconductor and photovoltaic wafer manufacturing. The entire project complies with the policy requirements of the "National Integrated Circuit Industry Development and Promotion Outline" regarding "breaking through key equipment and materials for integrated circuits, developing key equipment such as photolithography machines, etching machines, and ion implanters, and developing key materials such as large-size silicon wafers." , and the development direction of the core electronics industry in the "Guidance Catalog of Key Products and Services for Strategic Emerging Industries (2016 Edition)".

Keep up the good work and keep moving forward. The successful completion and commissioning of the Dunyuanjuxin R&D building and the quartz crucible expansion project are milestones for the development of Dunyuanjuxin: the increase in production capacity has expanded the global market share of quartz crucibles and silicon components, providing a solid foundation for Dunyuanjuxin development has laid a solid foundation. In recent years, the Yinchuan Municipal Government has focused on new materials and new energy. Dunyuanjuxin has a certain market position in the field of key materials in semiconductor integrated circuits, providing strong support and guarantee for the high-quality development of Yinchuan. At present, China's semiconductor industry is experiencing unprecedented difficulties. Dunyuanjuxin will not forget its original intention, insist on innovation, and never stop, contributing "core" strength to the localization of China's semiconductor industry, solving the problem of China's semiconductor stuck, and serving global customers The "intelligent" semiconductor manufacturing provides significant and effective industry solutions to ensure the security of my country's semiconductor industry supply chain.


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